Yukon Sawmill Company Office

Yukon Sawmill Company Office

Yukon Sawmill Company Office

Yukon Sawmill Company Office
Yukon Sawmill Company Office
Construction Style
Construction Style
Two story building with ship lap siding and a metal hip roof, tongue and groove soffits, single hung windows with molded shaped trim and lug sills. Plain continuous frieze under the eaves acts as header trim for the second floor windows. Flush planking on sawdust boxes, metal cap. Inset corner entrance on south west corner, single door with three light transom, open platform and stairs, shaped and molded trim and overhang on door. Molded pilasters on each side of corner entrance, decorative panels above corner entrance. Double doors with multi pane transom on south wall, no access. Single door, three light transom, shaped and molded trim on west wall. Double doors on west wall, no access. Continuous molded frieze at second floor level, continuous plain frieze at first floor level.