The Taylor House

The Taylor House

The Taylor House
The Taylor House
Construction Period: From 1906 to 1939
Designation Level: Municipal
in Whitehorse
The Taylor House is a 1.5 story log building on a double lot at the corner of Main Street and Fifth Avenue in downtown Whitehorse, Yukon.
Construction Period: From 1906 to 1939 Designation Level: Municipal
Designation Date: November 03, 2002
The Taylor House and lots is a municipally designated site designated for its architecture and association with the Taylor family.
It was constructed in 1937 as a residence for Bill and Aline Taylor. The Taylor family contributed to the early growth and economic development of the Yukon through the mercantile chain, the Taylor and Drury Company. The company operated up to nineteen stores in Yukon communities from the turn of the century until the 1960s. This relatively large log home and spacious landscaped lots, by Whitehorse standards, reflects the success of the family-owned business and the upper class of Whitehorse of the period.
The design of the Taylor House is eclectic, showing the influence of the American Arts and Crafts Movement as well as the (American) Colonial Revival. It represents a type of housing design commonly self-built during its time period that could be found in national publications and catalogues. The Taylor House was built of mainly local construction materials combined with the most modern amenities that were available in Whitehorse.
The setting and location of the Taylor House is important as it portrays the residential ambiance that was once an integral part of Main Street. It is a landmark in the historic downtown area of Whitehorse.
Source: Minutes from the City of Whitehorse Heritage Advisory Committee, Oct 25, 2001
City of Whitehorse Bylaw 2001-62