Yukon Sawmill Company Office

Yukon Sawmill Company Office

Yukon Sawmill Company Office

Yukon Sawmill Company Office
Yukon Sawmill Company Office
Building Style
Building Style
This two-story building is wood platform framed construction with clapboard siding and a metal clad hip roof. The single hung windows have shaped trim and a plain continuous frieze under the eaves acts as header trim for the second floor windows. There is also a belt course at the second floor level and a water table board at the first floor level. The inset entrance on south west corner has a single door and a fixed transom sash. All other doors are similar in appearance and trim. There are pilasters on each side and decorative panels above the corner entrance. The interior has heavy timber framing and the roof framing is rafters. Two custom-designed trusses that hang the second floor were installed after support columns were removed from the first floor.