T.C. Richards Building

T.C. Richards Building

T.C. Richards Building
T.C. Richards Building
Building Style
Building Style
The building is of squared horizontal log construction with a gambrel roof and shed dormers. The painted log walls have lap joints at the corners and the gambrel roof is covered with wood shakes, as are the shed roof dormers. The dormers and gable ends have log cabin siding nailed in place with saplings between the logs. The foundation is concrete, and can be seen above grade. There is a brick chimney on each end of the building, the chimney on the west end has a double flue. Interior is framed with dimensional lumber. A log solarium is on the east wall and is part of the original construction. The existing log vestibule on the north wall with a shed roof clad with shakes was enlarged in the 1981 renovations.
In 1981 a frame addition with a gable roof was added above the log solarium on the east wall. The new skirt roof continues on the same slope on the north side as the original gambrel roof. An enclosed sun porch with shed roof was constructed on the south wall and has log siding for its exterior sheathing and wood shakes on the roof.